A Culinary “Classic” In Our Backyard
If you stroll along Washington Street in downtown Brownsville, you might miss this hidden historical site from the 1920s. Small in size, but big in authentic flavor, Rutledge Hamburgers
has been tempting Texas tastebuds for almost 100 years.
Founded by Hilda Rutledge in a former alleyway less than 5-feet wide, these delicious burgers sizzle on the restaurant’s original grill. Other than replacing gas valves, it’s been the same piece of cooking equipment since 1922.
Hilda’s son, Martin, a former student of mine, took over the burger business then sold it in 1995 to employee Gloria Perez, who has preserved the entire experience. “It’s sealed in my
mind to sell quality,” she says. “ Quality beef and cheese are essential. People keep coming back for the quality food.“
Families from across the border come here from Matamoros just to eat these hamburgers. The “ hamburgercitas ” are tiny, so do yourself a favor and try a “ doble ” or “ triple con queso .” I
guarantee Rutledge burgers are great! When you come to Brownsville, take a bite out of life and eat an original Rutledge burger, or two, or three. You won’t regret it.